Thursday 23 May 2013


So my broken leg and dislocated ankle had driven me crazy, sitting home each day wondering what the future would hold. 

I decided to push the issue with my surgeon to go back to work and do office duties, I finally won and started back this week working in the prosecution office. An area that is beneficial to my future, but after three days I must say I am struggling a little with their process, but I will get used to it. The studying has stimulated my brain at Last

AND previously to starting back at work I decided to stop playing photographer and actually study the art and process. I can say I have started and finished my first two modules with high scores in my examinations (for what they are worth). I have learnt a little but Im excited to get into the more practical side.

I have also started to travel to work on train system that I normally Police, it certainly is a different prospective when you are a passenger. People amaze me, generally they are all well behaved and polite, but some seem to think the world is theirs and theirs only. I had no option today but to sit beside a lady who had a carry on bag with wheels, she had no intention of moving it.
I sat down on the chair and looked at her and she looked back. She had the look of my whole house is in this bag I am not moving it for you because you wear a shirt and pants and work in an office. I could not get my legs in, so I pushed the bag slowly towards her, and she looked at me with disgust, like she had the right to have her bag in my seat space because she was on the train first. Well I pushed it a little more, she lifted her left leg over the bag and down the side of it in process wiping her shoe deliberately down my trousers. Cow. I looked and smiled and said "thank you thats very kind". From there on I spread my ams and legs to the boundary of my space leaving her with minimal space, she deserved it. She looked like the typical I hate men type, moustache,  jeans, sweater, flat shoes and beady piercing eyes and probably hairy armpits (smelt like it).

On Arrival at Perth I sat there and waited until the last second before moving to get off knowing she was itchy to get off and go on her way, it was a little pay back for me, childish but satisfying.

Its nice to able to go to work in good clothing, not a uniform, to blend in with the norm and feel like your just a person travelling to work. It has also given me the opportunity to continue the reading of Borrack Obamas autobiography a book i started two years ago. When it is finished I moving on the author and funny man Brendon O'CCARROL, if you have not read or seen him, I suggest you look for him and watch Mrs Browns Boys.

Best Wishes

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