Saturday 1 November 2014



It is with delight that another item on my to do list will be deleted this coming November. I have waited 25 years to cross the Nullarbor Plains from Perth Western Australia to Melbourne then Adelaide and then Home.

I must thank my niece and God child Katie for giving me the inspiration to finally do it.

The plan is to leave on November 7th and drive to CAIGUNA, then onto Port AUGUSTA before hitting Melbourne and meeting Katie there.

Toon and I will be using our rooftop tent for living in, for a month, camping cooking and living 1 star will test our relationship I am sure.

We have a month to travel so we should have the time. Other than the drive there and back we have no other plans I am leaving that to Katie and Danny. I am just to follow them and enjoy the ride.

They are on a junket from the UK, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, lucky them. They flew into Cairns about three weeks ago and are making there way south to meet us. They are today in Sydney.
I am all ready for the trip now, just load the car on Thursday before work, do my shift until 0130 and then wake up and leave around 0830

Monday 21 July 2014


After deciding to kill my real lawn last spring and put in synthetic turf the rear garden has been transformed.  From a simple task to something that grew and grew, two bamboo thatched pergolas for a lounge and a spa and an Alfresco area for dining.  Then there was the garden planting, lighting and plumbing for the outdoor hot and cold shower.

So after laying, natural synthetic turf, river rocks, rubber mulch, cables and pipes and fitting jarrah decking and western red cedar roofing it is time to sit back and admire the transformation.

Please enjoy and pass comment for improvements.



Tuesday 15 July 2014

A Life Ruined With One Act

Simply put,

a simple act can ruin the life of another, an act without provocation, can destroy a career and a persons social life.


As the article ( ) states, I was injured in a selfish act by a young drunken male who had no reason to lay a hand on me other than through a drunken act.  He not only has cost me professional income over the past year of in excess of $40,000 it is likely to cost me over $500,000 over the coming decade in lost earnings.  I have gone from being a fit healthy positive guy to being one that lacks sleep, lacks job security and has a negative view of my future.

I broke both bones in my leg and had screws and plates inplanted into my lower leg, I have a chipped bone on my ankle joint that causes great pain every day and leaves me unable to run or jog for any distance beyond 20 meters, I cant  play any physical sport that I used to be involved in, soccer-refereeing-badminton-tennis-running-jogging-cycling to name a few.

The bad guy got a $2000 fine, a fine he is unlikely to ever pay and he probably does not give shit that my life has been turned upside down.

Job future, well I don’t have a secure thought on this due to the fact I have ongoing pain an weakness.  I guess time will tell once my workers compensation runs out and I am left in a position of not being able to continue as a Transit Officer, a job I still enjoy and Love.

My employer, managers and director have offered me support and positive words, but what I really seek and need is job security, so I can plan my future and my life. Job security will again give me peace of mind.

You may ask will I ever be compensated, in simple terms I doubt it.  I could civily sue the baddy but he owns nothing.  Criminal Compensation is not allowed due to the fact I am insured through work.  The work insurer pays us minimum wage, without compulsory overtime allowance and other benefits.  So I am severely under compensated and being a victim of a crime means nothing.

Thursday 26 June 2014

The House I loved on SIGHT CHANGED

When I first saw the house I currently live I loved it, it cleanliness its simplicity and the chances of advancement.  Since moving in during March 2013 I have made changes, some I am happy with and some that were a good idea and I dislike now.  I do how ever think the changes have made a remarkable increase in the value.

I decided mid summer that the front lawn had to go, it was simply crap buffalo lawn and had become spongey and had a bad root system.  I turned off the reticulation and let it die, with the aid of some glyphosate.  At the end of summer the lawn was extremely dead and looking grey and burnt.  I decided that it would be removed and new garden beds installed.  With three beds made from treated pine sleepers and the old dead lawn removed I had a sand pit.

The sand pit remained for about 6 weeks until I decided synthetic/astro turf would replace the old lawn.   TOOn and I levelled 5 cubic meters of cracker dust and compacted it twice.  It remained un touched for a further month.

I then decided to lay pavers around the two edges, along the garden beds and the road verge.  I then waited until the turf was delivered.

Today a mate (Larry ASHWORTH) turned up to help me lay it.  I woke at 0630 and began creeping the cracker the dust, not level, with a little hump to make it look natural.  Then we cut and layer the turf, pegged it down, glued the edges and covered it with white silicone sand to aid the bristles to stay up right.

I had quotes for the job to be done, priced from $2800 to $4300,  it cost me to do it myself just short of $1500.

I thank TOON and Larry for their help and their patience, also thank the neighbours for not complaining about the sand pit that was there way too long.  I am sure you will agree it looks great.

NOW all we need are plants in the garden beds,  that is TOONs job.

PHOTOS before, during and after.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

You Just Never Know

Its been a long time since I wrote here mainly due to Facebook consuming my every thought. Over the past week I have deleted the phone application and only check Facebook from my laptop.  I feel like my life is free and I have lost the urge to look, look, look and look again.  If I had a spare moment I was looking at Facebook through the app and commenting on meaningless posts.  Don’t get me wrong it was fun and I enjoyed creating innuendo.  But it is all meaningless really and I feel better for not spending my life and showing my life to the Facebook world.

So having freed myself I am here and doing what is far more intellectual and meaningful (which will be linked to Facebook)(hypocrite).  Since my last post I have been back into active patrols and seconded back to the position I was trained to assist in whilst injured.  Since January 6th I have been seconded into the Position of Intelligence analyst, sounds and look great on the resume.  The task how ever is quite simple but I do have more to learn and more to achieve.  I head back out on track actively on March 9th.  I’m excited about that. 

I have become increasingly more filled with dislike for my birth father and eldest brother, simply because they think that the world revolves around them and their selfish behaviours. But, more importantly their selfish disregard for their children, I don’t get it.  I can’t and never will understand what their thought process is for ignoring a being they created.  I adore my son, my mum adores her children and my sisters adore their children so it not a gene amorality.  It is a selfish act an act brought on by their self righteous mind set.  Yet they will blame the children and not them selves.  Why am I bothered? Simply because it confuses me and it plays on my mind.  My son was adored by his grandad and the n all of a sudden nothing, then the realisation of another grandson came along, sickening but fact.  Until he explains himself I will be confused and honour my dislike. AND no i dont see myself as perfect, but I rise to the fact I was blessed when I became a father.

Over Xmas I visited Hong Kong, Macau and Thailand a beautiful experience and one I will long remember for the Xmas spirit I found in Asian, a spirit that is and always has been lacking in Western Australia.  You can look at the photos in my Facebook albums.  Toon and I head to Indonesia to play golf on April 6th and then to Thailand on April 13th to celebrate Songkran with the Thai relatives. Phitsanulok is an area of Thailand which has kept its culture and has not been over run by Caucasian greed and arrogance. 

In closing I always thought a soul mate was one who would forgive your every 
Misdemeanour and stay by your side forever, a mate who could truly be relied on always.  But how many misdemeanours are you allowed before the soul is gone and the friendship has to end.   Sadly I have no answer for that.  Proving that I am not perfect and neither is anyone else.
ARISTOPHONES was quoted as stating -
Aristophanes present a story about soul mates. Aristophanes states that humans originally had four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces. He continues that there were three genders: man, woman and the "Androgynous". Each with two sets of genitalia with the Androgynous having both male and female genitalia. lightning as they had done with the Titans but then they would lose the tributes given to the gods by humans. Zeus developed a creative solution by splitting humans in half as punishment for humanity's pride and doubling the number of humans who would give tribute to the gods. These split humans were in utter misery to the point where they would not eat and would perish so Apollo had sewn them up and reconstituted their bodies with the navel being the only remnant harkening back to their original form. Each human would then only have one set of genitalia and would forever long for his/her other half; the other half of his/her soul. It is said that when the two find each other, there is an unspoken understanding of one another, that they feel unified and would lie with each other in unity and would know no greater joy than that
The men were children of the sun, the women were children of the earth and the Androgynous were children of the moon, which was born of the sun and earth. It is said that humans had great strength at the time and threatened to conquer the gods. The gods were then faced with the prospect of destroying the humans with

Until next time I wish you all well and may you prosper in health and if you are desperate, in wealth, too.