Tuesday 15 July 2014

A Life Ruined With One Act

Simply put,

a simple act can ruin the life of another, an act without provocation, can destroy a career and a persons social life.


As the article (https://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/latest/a/24443674/guards-attacked-every-three-days/ ) states, I was injured in a selfish act by a young drunken male who had no reason to lay a hand on me other than through a drunken act.  He not only has cost me professional income over the past year of in excess of $40,000 it is likely to cost me over $500,000 over the coming decade in lost earnings.  I have gone from being a fit healthy positive guy to being one that lacks sleep, lacks job security and has a negative view of my future.

I broke both bones in my leg and had screws and plates inplanted into my lower leg, I have a chipped bone on my ankle joint that causes great pain every day and leaves me unable to run or jog for any distance beyond 20 meters, I cant  play any physical sport that I used to be involved in, soccer-refereeing-badminton-tennis-running-jogging-cycling to name a few.

The bad guy got a $2000 fine, a fine he is unlikely to ever pay and he probably does not give shit that my life has been turned upside down.

Job future, well I don’t have a secure thought on this due to the fact I have ongoing pain an weakness.  I guess time will tell once my workers compensation runs out and I am left in a position of not being able to continue as a Transit Officer, a job I still enjoy and Love.

My employer, managers and director have offered me support and positive words, but what I really seek and need is job security, so I can plan my future and my life. Job security will again give me peace of mind.

You may ask will I ever be compensated, in simple terms I doubt it.  I could civily sue the baddy but he owns nothing.  Criminal Compensation is not allowed due to the fact I am insured through work.  The work insurer pays us minimum wage, without compulsory overtime allowance and other benefits.  So I am severely under compensated and being a victim of a crime means nothing.

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