Sunday 28 July 2013

What A Month - & - MONEY TREE

It has been a month of happiness sadness and twists and turns.  I found myself being internally examined with the fear that something was eating away at me and going to make me waste away to nothing, thankfully not the case and other than an internal tear that has to be repaired I am fine on that count.  After that great news I had a whole two days before I got an ear infection, no big deal, but it became a greater problem creating dizziness nausea and instability. So bad, that I had to go to the emergency room at the hospital,  a drip inserted into my hand and an injection then within two hours I was heading home to sleep, tiring work.  The infection past with some antibiotics and by Monday I was normal.  Then came Friday, I went to the gym at 530am and then onto the physio before heading to work on the train.  I felt the ear becoming numb again so I called to make an appointment with the gp, one I would never get to.  I sat at my desk and looked at the paperwork in front of me, it was blurry and so was the screen. I went to lie down in the medical room and fell to sleep, I woke up on the floor in the entrance hall with an ambulance man talking to me, no idea how I got there and how long I was there for.  And so, off to Hospital in an ambulance, at the ER I could not remember the simplest things, the   date the month and where I was, I forgot who Ben was and they asked me about Toon and I had no clue.  The hard things was the emotional strain of not knowing what had happened and why I could not immediately remember people and places.It made me cry like I have never cried, emotional strain of not being able to function. For eight hours I lay in the ER freezing cold and fighting my own memory with wires popping out from my body to monitors (photo).  After eight hours and after 4 different ologists seeing me they could not pin point the trouble. I recovered over time and felt normal when I left there, but extremely tired.  I now have to wait for some appointments to do scans and MRI to see what the trouble was and if it is to do with my nerve endings in my brain, probable.  Today I feel normal and fit and healthy.

In amongst my health situation I was notified of the death of an X colleague, one who I had got close to and we confided in each other on many matters socially and professionally.  Chris MONEY was a top bloke, one I grew to trust and one I could rely on for wisdom, advice, care and direction.  We talked openly many times and found direction, we thought the same we cared the same and we were mentally thoughtful of what we needed to be.  We both suffered (and I still suffer) the same ridicule and emotional comments that to those who make them they are nothing.
Chris gave me strength and direction and cared deeply for what I/We were going through. Sadly and accident took him away, I hope now he can guide us and give direction from the heavens above, be a guardian angel and help us in times of need.  One thing we all want is a money tree, so in memory of Chris MONEY I have planted one, my own MONEY Tree, one that I can look at and watch prosper in his memory. May He Rest In Peace and may the MONEY Tree grow in my big pot.

So I am thankful I am here and breathing and seeing another day, I have the best partner, a great job, a lovely home and fairly good health, cant complain, well I mean, I should not complain.

Saturday 6 July 2013

Western Red Cedar Ceiling Installation

It was my intention when I moved into this house to  have a more relaxed and enjoyable out door area. So I decided the FIRST STEP would be to get rid of the same same boring white ceiling in the alfresco area that everyone has.
I wanted Western Red cedar wood and gathered the quotes, GOSH, everything from 4800 dollars to 9400 dollars. After that shock I explored the DIY way. 
Eventually I found a volunteer in STEVE HILL to help me install. He was great, knowledgeable and made the job worthy of the timber we used. Western red cedar is awesome to work with, natural in its scope of blended colours and light in weight. It took a little over 5 hours from start to finish, including the oiling of the timber, done with a water based oil. I hope you agree its a better look.
After moving the furniture out and disconnecting the light fitting Step one was the simple removal of the plastic jointing to fix the pine batons to. Step two was to apply rubber based glue to the batons for extra support. Then to apply the tongue and groove Western Red Cedar, each length pinned onto the pine batons. Pins being placed on the tongue so the next length covered it (I would not of thought of that). Finally the oil which was put on simply with a lambs wool applicator.

Garden Bed In 60 Minutes

The garden wall was a success, it looked great yes a bit bland from the front. The limestone wall extension did not match the existing wall so we decided a garden bed was the best option to blend and to hide. Step one was the removal of the turf, the hardest step too. Step two was to mix in some plant foot and soil builder, step three was to steal plants from our existing garden beds and pots and finally put on the all important mulch. I hope you like the end product, we think it was an hour worth wasting, or lets say improving.
Then there was lunch and the all important daily fruit smoothy made with mango juice, apple, pineapple, pear, nacho pear and a stick of celery and table spoon of honey.