Like many things in life, it comes to an end, quite quickly too.
After begging to return to work and being fortunate to be placed and work in the prosecution area it lasted just four weeks, now I leave to further grow within the company.
The past four weeks was a rapid learning experience and a period were I thought I struggled, mainly due to data bases and different particulars having to be placed in different areas, learning which is which and what is what in my case WTF, at times it was not so easy. But I actually felt like I was getting a grip on it over the last week but I will not find out now, well not in the near future. I am pleased with my time there all the same and thankful for the opportunity to gain another way of processing what is required.
"Looking Over My Shoulder" |
Today my mentor called me aside into an area where no one could here or see us chatting, it was a long walk as I thought I had erred in a big way and was about to be lashed with a torrent of comments about my ability, silly how the mind works. I was told I would be moving on and then I was thanked for my efforts, I in return apologised for my somewhat slow response to picking up the tasks, that comment was met with compliment and thanks and negative. It made me feel better about my time there. My mentor then asked me to see the manager at some stage today to discuss my move.
And so, as I walked the long corridor all 3 meters of it towards the boss's lair I was again fearful and worried of the outcome, being a middle aged man and suffering such a severe injury as I have weighs heavy on the mind, will I every recover, will I ever be strong again, will I be deemed a liability and aged man, will I be put out to pasture and will my colleagues respect and confidence be lost forever, I hoped someone was looking over my shoulder.
I was met with a smile, and then a thank you for my efforts in prosecution and forwarded the reason for my relocation. I had the opportunity to relay my fears and thoughts for the future, a future that I hoped would be 20 years or more. I was kindly advised that the times I have laid in bed and waited for the sandman to fill my eyes and put me to sleep as I thought my future was doomed were all in vain. I was told my knowledge, my commitment and my willingness to learn and be mentored had not gone unnoticed and my future would be further enhanced to assist my progress as I recovered from my injury. It was pleasing to know that I was not a complete dud and that my efforts, by no means great but my efforts had been noticed.
So tomorrow I will step into another area, an area which will teach me, to type faster (probably), to analyse, to create, to scrutanize, to be a statistician and to grow and be more of a use to the company. I am pleased, excited and again will be tireless in my efforts to make a good impression and meet gaols and deadlines.
For over six years now I have been, privately, extremely grateful for my employment, I have to my close colleagues voiced my satisfaction, satisfaction that I work for a company that has graced me with respect, assistance, excellent conditions and a more than satisfactory financial income. Some would disagree, but they on the most disagree with all of what life gives them so I tend to ignore their input. Respect is a two way street, once it is lost then a change is required.
Slow Improvement |
News on the injury that has lead me to where I am today (broken fibula and fractured tibia, dislocated ankle, major joint trauma and more screws and plates holding me together). The physiotherapist advised me that the progress will be slow and the swelling could take up to a possible two years to go. The surgeon told me that realistically with such a major (his word) injury It would be likely to be up to a year before I could return to my pre injury duties. I have now come to terms with that scenario and I will strive to beat the one year mark/anniversary by as much as possible, but truth be known I am struggling a bit. Walking, mostly, is normal but on occasion is painfully difficult, running jogging or any impact work is just a big NO NO. So in the mean time I will learn more, become more useful and continue to grow my multi skilling abilities.
On a positive note I am able to sit in a golf cart between swinging a golf club.
Best Wishes and thanks for dropping by.