Saturday 1 November 2014



It is with delight that another item on my to do list will be deleted this coming November. I have waited 25 years to cross the Nullarbor Plains from Perth Western Australia to Melbourne then Adelaide and then Home.

I must thank my niece and God child Katie for giving me the inspiration to finally do it.

The plan is to leave on November 7th and drive to CAIGUNA, then onto Port AUGUSTA before hitting Melbourne and meeting Katie there.

Toon and I will be using our rooftop tent for living in, for a month, camping cooking and living 1 star will test our relationship I am sure.

We have a month to travel so we should have the time. Other than the drive there and back we have no other plans I am leaving that to Katie and Danny. I am just to follow them and enjoy the ride.

They are on a junket from the UK, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, lucky them. They flew into Cairns about three weeks ago and are making there way south to meet us. They are today in Sydney.
I am all ready for the trip now, just load the car on Thursday before work, do my shift until 0130 and then wake up and leave around 0830